Blue, Black, Yellow, Golden, Grey, Red, Pink, Cyan Color Shade, Abstract Quarter Circles, Dotted Circular Lines, Curved Right Angle, Triangle, Square Shapes, Where Typography, Geometric Pattern Decorations.
6 Piece Scandinavian Design Wall Art Sets.
(40 x 50cm) x 1pc + (30 x 40cm) x 1pc + (21 x 30cm) x 1pc + (21 x 30cm) x 1pc + (30 x 40cm) x 1pc + (40 x 50cm) x 1pc (Custom Size Available).
100% HD Printed Canvas.
Unframed and Rolled Artwork.
Extra edges are provided around the printed canvas for easy stretching and framing.
*Frame or Mattes are not included in the order.
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